905-356-2401 5960 Pitton Rd. Niagara Falls ON L2H 1T5


Yearbook - Spartans this years yearbook is now officially on sale. The yearbook is $55 and can be purchased through Cash Online. If you have any questions please see Mr. Ricci in room 1030 or the main office for information. 

Student Council is excited to offer Student Price Cards! When you pay on School Cash Online you can pick up your card from the office, discounts are good online and in-stores. Details can be found on the posters around the school or on Westlane’s instagram. 

MYAC - Support Young Entrepreneurs at MYAC’s Youth Market! Looking for a fun way to spend your Sunday? Come out to the Niagara Falls Exchange on March 30th for MYAC’s Youth Market! Discover unique handmade creations and amazing products-all made by talented young entrepreneurs in our community. Shop local, support youth, and enjoy a great day of creativity and innovation! As well we have snacks, fun games, and live music! Don’t miss out! For more details, follow @NFMYAC on Instagram. See you there!

CURLING - Attention Westlane Curlers. TODAY we are going to take the yearbook photo for everyone who participated in the Westlane Curling Club. TODAY at Lunch in the Gym. Bring your Westlane Curling Hoodie.

REACH TOURNAMENT - Those participating in the Reach tournament today, please meet in the main foyer at 8:45 sharp! 

Volunteer Hours - Stamford Volunteer Firefighters Easter Egg Hunt on April 18, 2025, guaranteed 5 hours. Sign-up in guidance.

Huge Scholarship Opportunity - The application for the Branscombe Family Foundation is now open. This is one of two large scholarships available to Westlane students. Scholarship is worth $26 000 and is primarily based on financial need. It is for both university and college bound students. Information has been posted in the Guidance Google Classroom. See Mrs. Bilon in Guidance if you have questions or would like more information. 

Girls Rock Band: Girls Rock Band is today at lunch. 

DIVERSITY CLUB: Attention all students, this is a reminder that our multicultural event is taking place on April 16th. If you would like to participate in the event, tomorrow is the deadline to sign-up. To sign-up, you can use the QR code found on posters around the school or you can talk to Ms. Smith, Ms Berger, Ms. Marshall, or Ms. Irandost. Sign-up by tomorrow to be part of this amazing event!

CODING CLUB: Are you interested in learning to code? Do you already know how to code and you want to expand on your skills? Then Westlane's Coding Club is for you! We will meet Tuesdays at lunch in the Computer Lab - room 1096. All grades and experience levels are welcome.

Horticulture Club: Spring is here and so is horticulture club! We will be starting our meetings every Thursday at Lunch in the greenhouse, prepping for our big plant sale!  As the weather improves, we will transition to after school meetings in the community gardens!  We hope to see you today in the greenhouse for a FERN-Tastic time! 

SPORTS - Track and Field practices have now begun! Please sign up outside of the Phys Ed office if you are interested in being a part of the team this year. Our next practice will take place today after school on the track. Scan the QR code on the sign-up sheet or on any of the Track and Field posters around the school to join the Google Classroom. If you have any questions please see Mr. Kennedy, Mrs. Mahler-Hales or Mr. Guild.


Yearbook - Spartans this year's yearbook is now officially on sale. The yearbook is $55 and can be purchased through cash online. If you have any questions please see Mr. Ricci in Room 1030 or the main office for information. 

Student Council is excited to offer Student Price Cards! When you pay on School Cash Online you can pick up your card from the office, discounts are good online and in-stores. Details can be found on the posters around the school or on Westlane’s instagram. 

Sledge Hockey Trip : Students attending this trip TODAY should be at the bus doors at 10: 55 at the latest. Our bus leaves promptly at 11 am. 

MYAC - Support Young Entrepreneurs at MYAC’s Youth Market! Looking for a fun way to spend your Sunday? Come out to the Niagara Falls Exchange on March 30th for MYAC’s Youth Market! Discover unique handmade creations and amazing products-all made by talented young entrepreneurs in our community. Shop local, support youth, and enjoy a great day of creativity and innovation! As well we have snacks, fun games, and live music! Don’t miss out! For more details, follow @NFMYAC on Instagram. See you there!

CURLING - Attention Westlane Curlers. We are going to take the yearbook photo for everyone who participated in the Westlane Curling Club Thursday at Lunch in the Gym. Bring your Westlane Curling Hoodie if you have one.

Art Club is meeting today after school in room 1073. New members are always welcome!

Jazz Band: Jazz Band is today at lunch.  

DIVERSITY CLUB: Attention all students, this is a reminder that our multicultural event is taking place on April 16th. If you would like to participate in the event, this Friday is the deadline to sign-up. To sign-up, you can use the QR code found on posters around the school or you can talk to Ms. Smith, Ms Berger, Ms. Marshall, or Ms. Irandost. Sign-up by Friday to be part of this amazing event!

CROCHET CLUB: HeySpartan students! The Crochet Club is meeting in the Resource Room today at lunch! Whether you’re working on a project or just getting started, come stitch, chat, and relax with us. All skill levels are welcome, and materials are available if you need them. See you there!

Track and Field -                            Track and Field practices have now begun! Please sign up outside of the Phys Ed office if you are interested in being a part of the team this year. Our next practice will take place today after school on the track. Scan the QR code on the sign-up sheet or on any of the Track and Field posters around the school to join the Google Classroom. If you have any questions please see Mr. Kennedy, Mrs. Mahler-Hales or Mr. Guild. 


Feast of the Annunciation

A Christian celebration of the announcement by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and become the mother of Jesus

International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Slavery

This day offers the opportunity to honour and remember those who suffered and died at the hands of the brutal slavery system. It also aims to raise awareness about the dangers of racism and prejudice today

Sledge Hockey Trip : Students attending this trip TOMORROW should be at the bus doors at 10: 55 at the latest. Our bus leaves promptly at 11 am. This means you should pack a lunch tomorrow as we are not waiting for those students stuck in the Timmies lineup!

GUIDANCE - Volunteer Hours - Stamford Volunteer Firefighters Easter Egg Hunt on April 18, 2025, guaranteed 5 hours. Sign-up in guidance.

Reach Club: Reach is meeting today at lunch in room 2029. Come on out to test your worldly knowledge! 

DIVERSITY CLUB: Attention all students, this is a reminder that our multicultural event is taking place on April 16th. If you would like to participate in the event, this Friday is the deadline to sign-up. To sign-up, you can use the QR code found on posters around the school or you can talk to Ms. Smith, Ms Berger, Ms. Marshall, or Ms. Irandost. Sign-up by Friday to be part of this amazing event!

Karaoke Club: Karaoke club is today at lunch.  New members are always welcome.

Track and Field - Track and Field practices have now begun! Please sign up outside of the Phys Ed office if you are interested in being a part of the team this year. Our next practice will take place on Wednesday March 26th after school on the track. Scan the QR code on the sign-up sheet or on any of the Track and Field posters around the school to join the Google Classroom. If you have any questions please see Mr. Kennedy, Mrs. Mahler-Hales or Mr. Guild. 

Lacrosse - Mandatory lacrosse meeting today at lunch in room 2026. See Mr. Ebrahim or Ms. Szkwrya if you have any questions. 


MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2025

Yearbook - Spartans this year's yearbook is now officially on sale. The yearbook is $55 and can be purchased through Cash Online. If you have any questions please see Mr. Ricci in room 1030 or the main office for information. 

Art Club is meeting today after school in room 1073. New members are always welcome!

Student Council is excited to offer Student Price Cards! When you pay on School Cash Online you can pick up your card from the office, discounts are good online and in-stores. Details can be found on the posters around the school or on Westlane’s instagram. 

Track and Field - Track and Field sign up sheets are now posted in front of the Phys Ed office! Please sign up if you are interested in being a part of the team this year. Our first practice will take place today after school on the track. Scan the QR code on the sign-up sheet or on any of the Track and Field posters around the school to join the Google Classroom. If you have any questions please see Mr. Kennedy, Mrs. Mahler-Hales or Mr. Guild. 

Soccer - Boys Soccer tryouts resume after school today.  A new list of players invited to tryouts will be posted sometime in the morning outside of the phy-ed office.  Once again, please dress for the occasion.

Girls soccer tryouts will take place today after school at 330pm


FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2025

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

The day aims to remind people of racial discrimination's negative consequences. It also encourages people to remember their obligation and determination to combat racial discrimination

World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day is marked each year on March 21, beginning in 2006. The 21st day of March was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication of the 21st chromosome which causes Down Syndrome. Every year on March 21, World Down Syndrome Day is observed to create awareness about down syndrome.

Student Council is excited to offer Student Price Cards! When you pay on School Cash Online you can pick up your card from Ms Dimond in the main office, discounts are good online and in-stores. Details can be found on the posters around the school or on Westlane’s instagram. 

Field Trip Opportunity!  - We have opened up the trip to the Sledge Hockey Game to all students, but there is limited availability. Join us on March 26 to watch the Para hockey game at Brock University! It is first come first serve. If you are interested, have your parents go on school cash online TONIGHT! It is $5 for an afternoon of fun! Please see Mrs. Sattin or Mrs. Bokma if you have any questions. Spots will fill up quickly so act fast. 

Volunteer Hours - Stamford Volunteer Firefighters Easter Egg Hunt on April 18, 2025, guaranteed 5 hours. Sign-up in guidance.

Rock Band - Rock Band is today at lunch.

STEM CLUB - Are you interested in science? Would you like to explore topics not covered in class? Want to participate in a science fair? Join the STEM Club today at lunch in room 2028. Contact Mrs. Kornelsen if you are unable to attend.

Track and Field - Track and Field sign up sheets are now posted in front of the Phys Ed office! Please sign up if you are interested in being a part of the team this year. Our first practices will take place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Scan the QR code on the sign-up sheet or on any of the Track and Field posters around the school to join the Google Classroom. If you have any questions see Mr. Kennedy, Mrs. Mahler-Hales or Mr. Guild. See you Monday on the track! 

Lacrosse - Boys lacrosse sign up sheets are now posted in front of the Phys Ed office! Please sign up so we can gauge interest! 

Girls Soccer - There will be a Girls Soccer tryout Monday after school at 330pm. See you there!!!

Naw-Ruz Baha'i New Year

Naw-Rúz is an ancient Persian festival celebrating the "new day" and for Baha'is it marks the end of the annual 19-Day Fast and is one of the nine holy days of the year when work is suspended and children are exempted from attending school.

Nowruz (Nawruz, Novruz, Navruz)

Nowruz (Nawruz, Novruz, Navruz) means "New Day" and is a festival that has been celebrated for thousands of years by people of several different faiths. People all over the world celebrate Nowruz, but it originated in the geographical area called Persia in the Middle East and Central Asia. The exact beginning of the New Year occurs when the season changes from winter to spring on the vernal equinox, which usually happens on the 21st of March each year. The traditions of Nowruz are strong among people in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan. It is also celebrated by the Zoroastrian, Sufi, Ismaili and the Baha'i faiths. People start preparing for Nowruz with a major spring-cleaning of their houses and the purchase of new clothes to wear for the new year. They visit elders of their family, then the rest of their family and finally their friends.

Spring Equinox or Ostara

This day marks the beginning of spring where day and night are equal in length. Many pagans celebrate the festival of Ostara through the decorating of eggs and gathering of flowers to celebrate the reawakening of the earth from its winter slumber and to prepare for a period of renewal and fertility.

Yearbook - Spartans this years yearbook is now officially on sale. The yearbook is $55 and can be purchased through Cash Online. If you have any questions please see Mr. Ricci in room 1030 or the main office for information. 

Student Council is excited to offer Student Price Cards! When you pay on School Cash Online you can pick up your card from the office, discounts are good online and in-stores. Details can be found on the posters around the school or on Westlane’s instagram. 

Volunteer Hours - Stamford Volunteer Firefighters Easter Egg Hunt on April 18, 2025, guaranteed 5 hours. Sign-up in guidance.

Girls Rock Band - Girls Rock Band is today at lunch.

Fashion Club: Fashion Club is today at lunch in room 2034! 

Stem Club - Are you interested in science? Would you like to explore topics not covered in class? Want to participate in a science fair? Join the STEM Club. Meetings start Friday, March 21st at lunch in room 2028. Contact Mrs. Kornelsen if you are unable to attend.

Reach Club - Reach club is meeting today at lunch in room 2029. If you are interested in joining us at our tournament next week, please be sure to be there! 

Track and Field - Track and Field sign up sheets are now posted in front of the Phys Ed office! Please sign up if you are interested in being a part of the team this year. Our first practices will take place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Scan the QR code on the sign-up sheet or on any of the Track and Field posters around the school to join the Google Classroom. See you Monday March 24th after school on the track! 

Lacrosse - Boys lacrosse sign up sheets are now posted in front of the Phys Ed office! Please sign up so we can gauge interest!



Yearbook - Spartans this year's yearbook is now officially on sale. The yearbook is $55 and can be purchased through cash online. If you have any questions please see Mr. Ricci in Room 1030 or the main office for information. 

Student Council is excited to offer Student Price Cards! When you pay on School Cash Online you can pick up your card from the office, discounts are good online and in-stores. Details can be found on the posters around the school or on Westlane’s instagram. 

Volunteer Hours - Stamford Volunteer Firefighters Easter Egg Hunt on April 18, 2025, guaranteed 5 hours. Sign-up in guidance.

Art Club - Art club is meeting today after school in room 1073. New members are always welcome!

Jazz Band - Jazz Band is today at lunch.

Fashion Club - Reminder that fashion club meets tomorrow at lunch in room 2034!

STEM CLUB - Are you interested in science? Would you like to explore topics not covered in class? Want to participate in a science fair? Join the STEM Club. Meetings start Friday, March 21st at lunch in room 2028. Contact Mrs. Kornelsen if you are unable to attend.

Girls Soccer Meeting - Any girls interested in playing for the Women’s Soccer Team, there will be a meeting in Rm. 2038 at the start of lunch today to talk over the upcoming season. See you there!

Track and Field - Track and Field sign up sheets are now posted in front of the Phys Ed office! Please sign up if you are interested in being a part of the team this year. Our first practices will take place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Scan the QR code on the sign-up sheet or on any of the Track and Field posters around the school to join the Google Classroom. See you Monday March 24th after school on the track! 

Lacrosse - Boys lacrosse sign up sheets are now posted in front of the Phys Ed office! Please sign up so we can gauge interest! 


2D Character Animation - Silver, Linkin Steele & Andrea Topp

Architectural Cad - Gold, Janna Guo, Silver, Oliviah Martin

Floristry - Silver, Ruthie Rix

Landscape Design - Silver, maya Benson, Bronze Milo Mucciante

Robotics - Bronze, Carter Norman, David Chang, Ethan Benson, Euchan Jung

Competitors, please see your teacher to discuss next steps.  Congratulations to all competitors.


Volunteer Hours - Stamford Volunteer Firefighters Easter Egg Hunt on April 18, 2025, guaranteed 5 hours. Sign-up in guidance.

Student Council is excited to offer Student Price Cards! When you pay on School Cash Online you can pick up your card from the office, discounts are good online and in-stores. Details can be found on the posters around the school or on Westlane’s instagram. 

Prom Committee - there will be an initial prom meeting at lunch today, bring your lunch to room 2012 if you are interested in participating. Seniors only. Be on time. 

Reach Club - please note that Reach Club is cancelled today. If you are interested in participating in the tournament at A. N Myer next Friday, please fill out the Google Form on our Google Classroom. 

Karaoke Club - Karaoke Club is today at lunch.

Junior Soccer Tryouts - There will be soccer tryouts after school today for grade 9 & 10 boys on Spartan Field.  Please be ready and dressed for the weather. Tryouts will run until 3:45 pm

Senior Soccer Tryouts - Soccer tryouts for boys in grade 11 and grade 12 will take place tomorrow after school on Spartan Field.  Tryouts will run until 3:45 pm.  Please dress for the weather.

Girls Soccer MeetingAny girls interested in playing for the Women’s Soccer Team, there will be a meeting in Rm. 2038 at the start of lunch tomorrow to talk over the upcoming season. See you there!

MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2025

Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. It aims to transform how neurodivergent individuals are perceived and supported by providing schools, universities, organizations, and others around the world with the opportunity to recognize the many skills and talents of neurodivergent individuals, while creating more inclusive and equitable cultures that celebrate differences and empower every individual.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

“Top of the morning to you” …St. Patrick's Day is a cultural and religious celebration held annually on March 17th, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. It is recognized as a religious feast day, a celebration of Irish culture worldwide, and a public holiday in Ireland.

Yearbook - Spartans this year's yearbook is now officially on sale. The yearbook is $55 and can be purchased through Cash Online. If you have any questions please see Mr. Ricci in room 1030 or the main office for information. 

Art Club - Art club meeting is cancelled for today after school. See you Wednesday!

Diversity Club is meeting today at lunch in room 2010! Bring your lunch and feel free to bring a friend. New members are always welcome. Please stop by to speak with Mrs. Smith if you are interested in volunteering for Multicultural Day on April 16th. 

Soccer tryouts for grade 9 and grade 10 boys will begin tomorrow after school outside on Spartan Field.  Tryouts will run to 3:45 pm.  Please dress for the weather.




Remember tomorrow is the time change - Spring Ahead 1 hour tomorrow night.

Daylight Savings Time Clipart Spring Forward | Free Images at Clker.com - vector clip art online, royalty free & public domain

Today is the last day of spirit week, let’s see your best pyjamas! 

MYAC - Attention Westlane Students! Do you have what it takes to dominate the court? Sign up for the MYAC 3v3 Basketball Tournament happening on March 14! Gather your squad and compete for the grand prize of $50 gift card per player! Deadline is March 12th! Are you interested in STEM? MYAC has partnered with McMaster University to bring you a fun-filled engineering workshop on Thursday, March 13, at the MacBain Community Centre. For only a $10.00 entry fee, you will have the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals, talk to McMaster University representatives, and participate in a physics workshop. For more information check MYAC Instagram! Thank you! 

ROCK BAND - Rock Band is today at lunch.

SENIOR BOYS BASKETBALL - Congratulations to Dylan Klassen and Ashton Gidney who have been selected to participate in the All-star Senior Boys Basketball Game at on Thursday, March 27th at St. Catharines Collegiate. They will be representing Westlane in the Top Ten game at 8:00 PM. If you’d like to go and cheer them on, admission is $3 per student with the proceeds benefiting Gillian’s Place. Rod Mawhood, the announcer from the Niagara River Lions will be announcing the game this year. Best of luck Dylan and Ashton!


Progress Reports will be emailed to the students by the end of day.

YEARBOOK - Spartans this years yearbook is now officially on sale. The yearbook is $55 and can be purchased through Cash Online. If you have any questions please see Mr. Ricci in room 1030 or the main office for information. 

MYAC - Attention Westlane Students! Do you have what it takes to dominate the court? Sign up for the MYAC 3v3 Basketball Tournament happening on March 14! Gather your squad and compete for the grand prize of $50 gift card per player! Deadline is March 12th! Are you interested in STEM? MYAC has partnered with McMaster University to bring you a fun-filled engineering workshop on Thursday, March 13, at the MacBain Community Centre. For only a $10.00 entry fee, you will have the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals, talk to McMaster University representatives, and participate in a physics workshop. For more information check MYAC Instagram! Thank you! 

SPIRIT WEEK - Today is twin day! Tomorrow is PJ day, get comfy and celebrate the last day before march break. 

Girls’ Rock Band: Girls’ Rock Band is today at lunch.




Ash Wednesday (First Day of Lent)

Ash Wednesday is a holy day in Christianity that marks the beginning of Lent, a period of 40 days leading up to Easter where Christians traditionally reflect on their sins, pray more deeply, and often give up something they enjoy as a form of sacrifice; the key symbol of Ash Wednesday is receiving ashes on the forehead in the shape of a cross, which are made from burnt palm leaves, reminding people that they are "dust and to dust you shall return."..


Yearbook - Spartans this year's yearbook is now officially on sale. The yearbook is $55 and can be purchased through cash online. If you have any questions please see Mr. Ricci in Room 1030 or the main office for information. 

MYAC - Attention Westlane Students! Do you have what it takes to dominate the court? Sign up for the MYAC 3v3 Basketball Tournament happening on March 14! Gather your squad and compete for the grand prize of $50 gift card per player! Deadline is March 12th! Are you interested in STEM? MYAC has partnered with McMaster University to bring you a fun-filled engineering workshop on Thursday, March 13, at the MacBain Community Centre. For only a $10.00 entry fee, you will have the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals, talk to McMaster University representatives, and participate in a physics workshop. For more information check MYAC Instagram! Thank you! 

SPIRIT DAY - Today is Westlane Wednesday! Let’s see your  green spirit Spartans! Tomorrow is twin day, so grab a friend and get your matching outfits!

Jazz Band: Jazz Band is today at lunch.

Art Club: Art club is meeting today after school in room 1073. New members are always welcome. 

Sparta-bots robotics - Yesterday Westlane was well represented by three great robotics teams competing at the DSBN skills competition.  A special congratulations to the team of Ethan Benson, Carter Norman, Eunchan Jung, and David Chang who placed third in the competition.  In fact, this team was only one score away from the gold medal.  Mr. Jenkins, and Ms. Twist, are incredibly proud of all the teams and what you accomplished this year. We will have our year end meeting this Thursday at lunch in room 1041.  All members are encouraged to attend.  

Crochet Club: Hey Spartans! The Crochet Club is meeting in the Resource Room at lunch! Whether you’re working on a project or just getting started, come stitch, chat, and relax with us. All skill levels are welcome, and materials are available if you need them. See you there!

Girls Volleyball - The Jr Girls volleyball team will be taking on the Sr Girls Volleyball team today after badminton practice. Let's have some fun girls!!!!




Shrove Tuesday - Shrove Tuesday, also called "Pancake Day" or "Mardi Gras" in some places, is a Christian holiday celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday, marking the last day before the period of Lent when people traditionally fast and give up certain things; it's essentially a day to indulge in rich foods like pancakes before a period of restraint, hence the pancake tradition!.


Recycling - Please have a student from your class bring down and empty the Blue (Cans/Bottles) bin. The Big Blue recycling bins will be located in front of the Caretakers Office. Please remind your student to dump the recycling into the bin and not leave it in front of our office. Don’t forget to grab a new bag located beside the large bins.  Please place your gray bin outside your classroom door to be collected throughout the day.

SPIRIT WEEK - Happy spirit week spartans! Today is student teacher swap! Tomorrow is Westlane Wednesday, show your spartan spirit by wearing green! 


REACH CLUB - Reach club is happening today, if you are interested in trivia or expanding your worldly knowledge, come out to room 2029 at lunch. 

KARAOKE CLUB: Karaoke Club is today at lunch.


BADMINTON TEAM: The players who have made the Novice and Junior badminton team is posted outside the Phys. Ed. office. All badminton team members are expected to attend practice after school today, tomorrow and Thursday this week.



This is the holiest month in the Islamic Year and begins at the sighting of the new moon. It commemorates the period during which Prophet Mohammad received divine revelations of the Holy Scripture (Quran). Observing Muslims fast between the hours of sunrise and sunset during the entire month, read the Qu'ran and worship in the mosque or at home. The dates may vary from year to year as it is based on the lunar calendar. This calendar follows the North American calculation
Ala (19 Days of Fasting)

Ala' is the nineteenth and final month of the Baha'i year, and the time of the 19-day dast, in preperation for Naw-Ruz. Those who are healthy and of age abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset

Clean Monday

Clean Monday is the Monday that occurs seven weeks before Easter and begins the season of Great Lent in Eastern Orthodox Churches

YEARBOOK - Spartans this year's yearbook is now officially on sale. The yearbook is $55 and can be purchased through Cash Online. If you have any questions please see Mr. Ricci in room 1030 or the main office for information. 

ART CLUB - Art club is meeting today after school in room 1073. New members are always welcome. 

DIVERSITY CLUB is meeting today in room 2010 at lunch. Bring your lunch and feel free to bring a friend! New members are always welcome. Today, we will begin planning for Multicultural Day. If you are interested in helping with this event, please attend our meeting today, or talk to Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Marshall, Ms. Berger, or Ms. Irandost. 

BADMINTON: Novice/Junior tryout tonight for players who have been asked to attend. The badminton team will be posted tomorrow morning outside the phys. Ed office. All players who make the team are expected to attend practice tomorrow after school.

150+ Free March Clipart Images