905-356-2401 5960 Pitton Rd. Niagara Falls ON L2H 1T5
Special Education Resources and Services
Ms. S. Morgan - SERT     
Contact:      905-356-2401 Ext. 66675
Email:          S. Morgan                                                                   

The Student Resource Centre at Westlane Secondary School

  • Westlane has a Resource Centre which is open to students each period of the day.
  • A teacher is assigned to the Resource Centre to assist students with their daily work.
  • The Resource Centre is also used by students to complete tests, exams and EQAO assessments.

Framework for Provision of Services:

For many students at Westlane Secondary School the regular classroom program is successful in meeting their learning needs, provided certain behaviours are present. Students who attend school regularly, focus on lessons, have good homework/study skills and are taking their studies at the appropriate level of difficulty will be successful.

Some students have learning needs that require accommodations in order to 
achieve success. Based upon assessments and the recommendation of the In School Student Success Team, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is created and put into place for these students. This document communicates to subject specific teachers important information needed to support and assist these students in the achievement of academic success.

Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Is a learning plan developed specifically for a student to ensure that they have the resources and accommodations required to achieve to their level of ability.
 • Each student who has been assessed to have learning needs is assigned a Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT)
  • With input from the student, parents, classroom teachers and other educational staff, the SERT develops an Individual Education Plan for the student
 • The IEP is regularly reviewed and updated to keep it relevant to the student's current educational needs
 • Classroom teachers will receive a copy of the student's IEP in order to plan instruction in a manner that will best meet the learning needs of that student
 • The IEP is a working document and can be updated and/or adjusted as a student's learning needs evolve
 • Parent input into the IEP development process is  important, valued and will be requested at the beginning of each school year
  • Parents receive a copy of the IEP at the beginning of the school year and whenever significant changes are made to the document during the school year

Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs):
  • Will monitor student progress and consult with teachers to address any concerns
  • Will serve as the student's primary contact when more support is needed
  • Will advocate for the student when required

Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC)
  • It is important to remember that the IPRC process continues in a student's high school years
  • The student's identification is reviewed yearly and parents are invited and encouraged to paticipate in this process.
  • If a parent continues to agree with his/her child's identification and placement, the option of dispensing with the IPRC meeting for the current school year is possible. If this option is chosen the IPRC meeting will not take place and the current identification and placement will not change
  • All students who are identified through an IPRC will receive the support of a Special Education Resource Teacher and have an Individual Education Plan to support their learning
  • Student identifications are based on the profile of specific criteria defined by the Ministry of Education

Special Education Timelines

September to October
  • Invitations for IEP consultation meetings are mailed home
  • IEP consultation meetings are scheduled
  • IEP developed for the school year and distributed to teachers and parents
January to June
  • IPRCs are scheduled

February to March

  • IEPs are updated for Semester 2 and distributed to teachers

On going September to June
  • Students with IEPs will meet with the resource teacher to review the IEP and any concerns they may be having with courses